15 September 2021
Where I’m from
I grew up on the West Coast, but came to Christchurch during my high school years.
How I became part of Bioprotection Aotearoa
It’s a long complex story, intertwined with my life as a postgrad student, best answered in the next question!
My research subject
Although it’s not applicable to my work for Bioprotection Aotearoa, I am a marine turtle biologist. When I was studying for my MSc in the midst of a Dunedin winter a scholarship was advertised to undertake a research project at the University of the South Pacific, Fiji – so of course I signed up! While in Fiji I studied the population demographics of marine turtles that were being harvested and sold in the markets. I later won a PhD scholarship at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland, where I continued studying marine turtles – this time investigating the ‘lost years’, the cryptic post-hatchling life stage.
After my PhD I worked on Boigu, a remote island in the Torres Strait for the local council and later for the Queensland Government. This job had me racing around on small ‘catch’ boats, from which we would ‘rodeo’ turtles and dugongs. Turtle rodeos are a real thing!
After that I juggled private consultancy, establishing and managing a bike shop, and becoming a mum. Eventually, that brought me back to New Zealand, where I applied for a job at Lincoln University, and got it!
What I enjoy most about my job
As the contracts manager of Bioprotection Aotearoa I work with a wide range of people every day. I am lucky to share an office with great people, and to be able to share in the journey of our students, to communicate with our researchers from all around the country and see the successes of the science programmes.
What I like to do outside of work
I live at the base of the Port Hills, so I love to explore the tracks when I can. I especially love the occasional Rogaine to get off the regular beaten tracks.
Contact me about
Contracts, project budgets, reporting, and travel.