Posts Tagged ‘soil’

Native forests on farms could store the most soil carbon

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Alexa Byers

Greater biodiversity above ground is widely considered the key to healthy landscapes, but does this presumption hold up beneath our feet? Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Alexa-Kate Byers (Lincoln University) looked at the diversity of carbon-munching microbes beneath different land uses and what this could mean for carbon storage in the soil. 

Our soils act as vital reservoirs for carbon, but when soil microbes break down the organic matter around them, then respire, they release carbon to the atmosphere as a gas.  

To investigate the effect of different land uses on these microbes, Alexa and her team sampled the soil beneath five different land uses around Kaituna and Prices Valley in Canterbury. 

She says “We really wanted to measure how land use change altered the way in which soil microbes process soil carbon, as this has important implications for long-term soil carbon storage.” 

“Microbial ecology is still a relatively new field compared to plant ecology. A lot of the presumptions we make about microbial diversity are based on patterns in the research we’ve done above ground . . . but one of the things I found in this study is that’s not always the case.” 

After testing soil below remnant native forest, regenerating native bush, exotic plantation forest, dryland pasture and irrigated pasture, Alexa discovered the diversity of carbon-munching microbes increased proportionally with the disturbance of the land above ground. That means agricultural land uses were associated a greater range of microbial genes. 

This isn’t a ‘bad thing’ per se, but it does mean that these soils could store less carbon than those under regenerating or mature native forest. 

Alexa says “Agricultural land uses have a huge productive value and are important for food production; this research isn’t about assigning land uses into good or bad categories. But it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences of human activity on the soil”.   

“Incorporating more different types of land uses into the same area could allow agriculture and store carbon in the soil at the same time. This would also be beneficial for other values we might have, like cultural or above-ground biodiversity.”  

While her sample sites were restricted to Canterbury, Alexa is confident that the results are relevant to land managers throughout the country. 


More Information

Read the full, published paper here > Land use intensity is a major driver of soil microbial and carbon cycling across an agricultural landscape

Dive into the details of Alexa’s research on soil carbon here >  Enhancing the resilience of soil carbon across agricultural landscapes

Fionnuala Bulman spills the soil on her project

Monday, March 27th, 2023

PHD Student Fionnuala Bulman, sampling soil with a soil corer

PhD Student Fionnuala Bulman (known as Finn to her peers) has a background in medical microbiology, but her passion for the outdoors and interest in the natural world motivated her to make the leap from biomedical to environmental research.

Taking up a PhD with Bioprotection Aotearoa, Finn is investigating how land-use shapes Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities and how these communities are linked to the resilience of natural and managed ecosystems in New Zealand.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are microbes that colonise the roots of terrestrial plants, forming structures that look like ‘little trees’ inside root cells, and extend microscopic fungal threads called mycelium out into the soil.

They form a mutually beneficial relationship, providing plants with nutrients from the soil, and receiving carbon generated by the plants through photosynthesis.  Soil structure is also improved by the network formed by fungal mycelium, resulting in increased water-holding capacity and gas exchange.

Research in this fungal network has become a hot topic in recent years, with scientists working to advance understanding of the diversity of AMF species, their function in plant-soil ecosystems, and the hidden underground networks they form.

Finn’s field work is located in Te Kaha, the Bay of Plenty. It’s a relatively small area with a variety of land uses present.  With maize fields and kiwifruit orchards patch worked across the landscape and bordered by native bush, it’s an ideal site to conduct this research

By collecting soil samples from these three distinct ecosystems, and comparing the diversity of AMF species found in each, Finn is hoping to identify how land-use shapes AMF communities.

“Studies have shown that mycorrhizal fungal communities can change significantly across space and time. Samples taken even a meter apart can contain very different fungal species and the same site sampled in winter and summer may also show very different communities” says Finn.

Agricultural systems, management practices, weather events, and seasonal changes can all potentially influence what happens below ground. As such Finn is using a structured sampling system across the Te Kaha landscape, to capture some of this spatial variation for each ecosystem (18 in total).  She is also sampling quarterly to incorporate some seasonal variation into the sampling.

With this method, Finn hopes to build a more comprehensive picture of the AMF species present in Te Kaha ecosystems and any changes within the AMF communities between seasons.

This first phase of Finn’s research project will then determine whether AMF communities are affected by human input such as agricultural management practices or if natural changes in conditions such as seasonal weather patterns actually drive these shifts.

“Are the AMF communities stable or are there big shifts that line up with human management, such as annual planting and harvesting of maize? How does this compare to the effect of pesticide application in kiwifruit orchards or the relatively undisturbed native forest?” Finn queries

Māhoe seedlings, a native plant found throughout the forest in Aotearoa New Zealand

The second phase is to inoculate plants with the AMF communities collected in Te Kaha and expose these plants to conditions that model future climate- change scenarios, involving higher temperatures and higher CO2 levels. Host plants include the Bruno-Hayward variety of kiwifruit, a silage maize cultivar currently grown in Te Kaha and māhoe, a native plant that is found throughout the forest in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Finn hypothesises that AMF are important for plant resilience and therefore plants inoculated with AMF will cope better with these conditions. She hopes that this information can support agribusiness in Te Kaha to make informed decisions about the future of their whenua, for example future land use and management to promote resilient soil and plants.

The data that Finn collects from her sampling in Te Kaha will also contribute to a global project aiming to map mycorrhizal fungal networks world-wide. SPUN (Society for the Protection of Underground Networks) is a recently founded research organisation, on a mission to advocate for the protection of mycorrhizal networks. “I really support that kaupapa” says Finn “as once we know what’s there and can prove it is important on an ecosystem scale it becomes much easier to push for policies to protect what we have”.

After reading about the project in a news article, Finn wondered what sort of methods they would be using for sampling and was encouraged to reach out to Dr. Toby Kiers, the Executive Director & Chief Scientist of SPUN.

“She’s very well-known in mycorrhizal research” Finn shares “and so I was surprised to quickly receive a reply and guidance from Toby herself. It was lovely to realise that there was this network of support and opportunity for collaboration with scientists who were willing to invest time into answering the questions of an early career researcher like myself”.

As a result of these conversations, Finn is using methods similar to those developed by Toby and her team and therefore the data she produces will be comparable with that of other contributors around the world.

“Hopefully, the data that I provide will be a useful contribution to the global database on mycorrhizal diversity. Alongside my own PhD work, I’m really excited to see how that project and whole movement of mycorrhizal research progresses in the next few years – it’s an exciting time.”



How do human disturbances impact soil microbes?

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

Research team scoping Great Barrier Island. From left, Maui Duley, Alexa Byers, Prof. Amanda Black, and Dr. Nick Waipara

Soil microbes are central to life on Earth. They recycle nutrients, regulate water quality, support plant productivity, and sequester carbon. However, the microbes in soil change in response to disturbances, affecting the way they behave and in turn the many systems that rely on them.

Alexa Byers, a postdoctoral researcher at Bioprotection Aotearoa, is investigating the soil health of natural and productive ecosystems to understand the response of soil microbes to threats such as pathogen invasion, human disturbance and climate change.

Alexa is involved in two projects at Bioprotection Aotearoa. The first project on kauri dieback disease (Phytophthora agathidicida) involves screening kauri forest soils for the production of bio-active compounds that have the potential to suppress kauri dieback. This project has involved a large amount of fieldwork on the North Island, including trips to the remote Great Barrier Island, Northland and Auckland.

The work is critical, in part, because kauri forests are so important to Māori communities. Alexa and her supervisor, Professor Amanda Black (Tuhoe, Whakatōhea, Te Whānau ā Apanui), have done a lot of engagement work with multiple iwi in Northland to explain the research and involve them.

Alexa says, “It’s important to just be open about what we’re doing, asking them questions about how we can help and listening to their contributions.”

This engagement has taken time. Alexa says, “Science sometimes moves at a fast pace and when you engage with communities you can’t rush things. You need to give people time to think. That has been a learning curve, that it’s not fair on them to be rushed.”

But Alexa says, “It is definitely worth it. You want your research to mean something more than just publishing papers. If you know you’re finding ways to benefit communities, that’s very rewarding.”

For the second project, Alexa is studying how land-use change is impacting soil microbial function and soil carbon cycling. She is taking soil from each land-use type and inducing drought to see how the microbes respond. The results will show how land-use change impacts microbes’ ability to cope with climate change. This project is focused on productive landscapes such as pasture in Banks Peninsula, Canterbury.

Alexa is enjoying meeting the different communities, working in beautiful parts of New Zealand, and interacting with other Early Career Researchers in Bioprotection Aotearoa. She says, “Bioprotection Aotearoa is really good because of their focus on early career scientists. There are lots of us and we have regular meetings and chances to get together and talk about our research. A lot of time is invested in us.”

More Information

Dive into the details of Alexa’s research here > Enhancing resilience of soil carbon across agricultural landscapes